October 2023
LB30917: 3-car garage
Do you have extra vehicles, need a place for your UTV, lawn mower or just have extra stuff that needs to be covered? This building kit offers a simple 3-car garage with a great amount of space to keep your items stored out of the weather. Just because winter is approaching, doesn’t mean you can’t build in the winter months! Call and order this garage kit now. Metal colors available to suit your wants, or select a different exterior finish all together.Image Gallery

Building Kit Inclusions:
- 2×4 STURDI-LOK® Wall Panels (includes: header, sill seal, lag screws, vtp, cn,)
- 2′ O.C. Roof Trusses 30# snow load (includes: 5/8″osb, underlayment, hurricane clips, stabilizers, roll blocking, bracing)
- ¼” Vapor Barrier Wrap
- White Framed Vinyl Windows
- Fiberglass Exterior Doors
- 26ga. Metal -roof/walls/trim
- 3 garage door openings at 10’w x 9’h
- Engineered Structure